Returns & Refund Policy

Returns and Refunds Policy

At, we want you and your pets to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If something isn't quite right, you can initiate a return/refund request within 48 hours of receiving your item.

Initiating a Return/Refund

  • Log in to your account on our website and submit a return request.
  • Our team will review your request and, upon approval, you will receive instructions on how to proceed.

Shipping Your Return

Approved returns should be shipped to the following address:
Warehousejoy Pte Ltd,
23 KIAN TECK ROAD - #02-00,
Singapore - 628774.

Replacement Orders

Once we receive the returned item and it passes our quality check, we'll issue gift vouchers to your account. Use these vouchers to place a replacement order. It's like giving your pet a new treat!


If you prefer a refund, we’ll process it to your original method of payment within 5-7 working days after the product clears our quality check. Just like how we ensure every treat we offer is purr-fect, we’ll make sure your refund is processed smoothly.

Customer Support

If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at Our customer support team is available to assist you with any inquiries. We're here to help, whether it's a tail wag or a meow!